Parents Without Partners Was Founded...:
In 1957 in New York City by two single parents: Jim Egleson, a noncustodial parent, and Jacqueline Bernard, a custodial parent. As concerned parents, they felt isolated from society because of their marital status, and decided to form a mutual support organization. Following their first newspaper advertisements directed to "Parents Without Partners", 25 single parents attended the first meeting in a Greenwich Village church basement. Later, media attention brought inquiries from all over the country.
Parents Without Partners Today:
** 18,000+ members in the United States and Canada. ** 55% female, 45% male. ** Ages range from 18 to 80: most have teenage children. ** Average length of membership is four years. ** Approximately 85% of the membership is separated or divorced. ** Widowed parent membership is comparable to national statistics. ** PWP members are typical middle class North Americans. They come from all walks of life, representing a kaleidoscope of occupations, interests and educational attainment. ** Some PWP members have only recently become single parents, while others have been single for some time. Some have young children, others have grown children. Some are sophisticated, others have led sheltered lives. All are in a process of transition and change, and seek help from PWP. ** PWP members are of all faiths and political beliefs. ** All chapter members are verified as being single parents by members or professionals in the community. **
Springfield Parents Without Partners Inc.Chapter #213